quarta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2012


Alguns reports já indicavam a lesão de Orton ao longo da tarde de ontem, no entanto agora é mesmo o próprio WWE.Com quem oficializa esse facto através de uma série de mensagens no site oficial da companhia.

O anúncio oficial reporta a lesão ao momento em que Daniel Bryan lhe espetou com o título na cabeça, embora não se saiba ao certo se essa será a lesão que foi vítima na realidade.

Aqui ficam as palavras no WWE.com:

"WWE medical personnel have confirmed that Randy Orton suffered a concussion on Raw SuperShow when World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan smashed Orton over the head with his title.

Randy sustained head trauma following his match with Big Show, in which Daniel Bryan interfered, and he was evaluated in the training room immediately afterward," WWE physician Dr. Michael Sampson told WWE.com. "Due to his symptoms as well as his neurological evaluation, he was diagnosed with a concussion. We will be doing more testing to see how he's going to do as far as short term vs. long term.

Orton will not be cleared to compete in the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Match this Sunday."

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