Numa entrevista de promoção da sua mais recente autobiografia, "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan falou sobre um dos motivos pelo qual nunca chegou ao topo na sua carreira. Alegadamente este culpa um incidente com Iron Sheik relacionado com um episódio onde estes foram abordados pela polícia e o "Iraniano" se encntrava na posse de cocaína, levando à detenção dos dois. Eis as palavras de Jim Duggan:
"I don't think I ever regained the momentum I would have had before the arrest with the Iron Sheik," he said. "I think I was on the fast track [before the arrest]. I think I would have been World Champion, Intercontinental, or Tag Team Champion. I never regained the momentum. I think a lot of guys it would have totally crushed their career, but I was lucky enough to survive it and actually thrive after the arrest."
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