Numa recente entrevista ao programa de rádio, The This Very Ring, Chris Masters anúnciou que uma ida para a TNA será uma prioridade de topo na sua carreira. Eis o excerto das palavras de Masters:
"I wasn’t really given a fair shake in WWE. For those of you that watch Superstars, you know that I can contribute to the game. I’m 29 years old and at the peak of my career. Going to Impact won’t turn things around right away, the ratings won’t overtake Raw or anything. But I do think I have a lot to contribute. So I figured it’s time to campaign. It’s 2012! MTI ("Masters to Impact")! Get the word out. Grassroots effort. I know a lot of things need to happen and that campaigns aren’t won overnight. TNA has a lot going on and a lot of guys that already aren’t being used but I really think there’s a lot I can contribute. I just need a place to go out and do it."
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