O WWE Corporate anúnciou esta tarde a contratação de Brian Flinn, ex- Senior Executive da NBA, como o novo "Senior Vice President of Marketing". Fontes citam que esta medida possa ter em conta uma mudança no público alvo da companhia, daí trazerem uma pessoa com experiência em outros campos, com um drive de mercado completamente diferente.
Aqui fica o comunicado oficial:
Prior to joining WWE, Flinn was the Senior Vice President of Marketing at the National Basketball Association (NBA), where he oversaw the league’s marketing, internal communications and research groups. Flinn has been involved in some of the NBA’s most recognizable initiatives in recent years, including the development of the award-winning “Where amazing happens” campaign. Before joining the NBA’s marketing department, Flinn spent six years in the league’s communications group, where he developed strategic campaigns for a variety of business units and helped launch the NBA Development League. Flinn started his career at the New York Knicks in public relations.
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